I have been wanting to try the transliteration feature of the editor over here. Lets see how it works, here goes...
अब मैं इंग्लिश मे टाईप कर रह हूँ। जैसे ही मैं स्पस-बार दबाता हूँ तुरंत उसी जगह पर अपनेआप वहाँ पर हिंदी आ जाता है। इसने एक भी गलती नही कि। काफी अच्छा काम किया है इसको बनाने वाले ने।
The developers of this blogger site have really made effective use of technology and I must say I am impressed with this English to Hindi conversion done here.
Off late my contributions here have reduced as I have found a more productive place to write. My team and I have worked to develop the information site of Bilaspur. The development of content in this site allows me to exercise my writing skills.
Moreso, we have added a news section to the site. Though it has still not matured fully, it gives me enought opportunity to write and enter the news. This exercise has specially become exciting because some of the news sites have recognized the place as a news source, which in turn is driving some traffic our direction.
All the excitment of developing content for the site is keeping us busy with little time of write anywhere else. Still the itch to write prevents me from keeping away from this place for a long time.